• Pencils

    Secondary Classroom Jobs

    As an elementary student I couldn’t wait for my turn in the classroom job rotation to be the teacher’s assistant. It was my favorite job and I took great pride in doing it to the best of my ability. I…

  • Food,  Passports

    Waffles, Fries, and Chocolate

    Belgium is a foodie haven. In the city you are more likely to find a waffle shop than a coffee stand. As you walk the stone streets you can smell chocolate around every corner. Each glass case is lined with…

  • Passports

    You Might Not Want To Travel With Me

    You might not want to travel with me… I think if my mother didn’t love me, she may have disowned me on our last trip to New York.  I have a tendency to want to see and do everything even…

  • Passports

    Magna Carta

    The words below were originally written the evening of my first trip to London.I was traveling with a group of my students.  I don’t think I will ever forget this day. Greetings from London! For the past several months our…

  • Pencils

    Avoiding Plateaus

    Yesterday I had my annual review. In my experience no matter what your profession, no one truly looks forward to their review. Some may be more helpful or pleasant than others, but there is always just that nagging feeling that…

  • Food,  Passports

    Black Soba Noodles

    Shredded duck in a citrus sauce served over black soba noodles. Wagamama is a chain in England, that I recently discovered opened a restaurant in New York as well. Every time I have been in England I have found time…

  • Personal

    I Need New Goals

    This June will mark 15 years since I graduated from high school. Any time I think of that evening I am flooded with the most vivid memories. From the perspective of some I was very successful in high school. I…

  • Food,  Passports

    Scones and Jam

    Slightly golden crust. Crumbly texture. Not dry, but begging to be paired with tea. This is the quintessential scone and jam that must be experienced while visiting England. My personal opinion is that tea and scones are best enjoyed while…

  • Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

    Teaching Remotely

    As with nearly every other teacher in the country and many around the world I am currently taking a real world crash course in remote teaching. Just for some context I was teaching a fairly normal day on a chilly…

  • Personal

    Bored in Quarantine

    For the last 5 years or probably longer I have been a fairly busy person. In general I am at work from 7:00 AM until after 5:00 PM. A typical week for me involves 4-5 sports practices, choir rehearsal, a…