
Bored in Quarantine

For the last 5 years or probably longer I have been a fairly busy person. In general I am at work from 7:00 AM until after 5:00 PM. A typical week for me involves 4-5 sports practices, choir rehearsal, a city meeting, and a myriad of other activities. When CoronaVirus hit the United States I suddenly found myself with an abundance of time. I must interject to say that I do have plenty to do, but compared to my usual schedule this amount of discretionary time is downright ridiculous. The first few weeks I filled with all the things that I wish I had time for, I went on walks and read books and cleaned my apartment. Then I basically realized I was Rapunzel and still had half the day remaining. So I baked some bread and did some crafts and guess what? I still had time. Here I am starting a blog because it’s oh so trendy to be a blogger and because I have the time to do it! I spoke to a few close friends about my intention in writing and realized that even if no one ever reads this, I will be glad I had done it. I solicited some advice on what might be the best things to write about and the responses are a bit varied. I plan to write about the joys and struggles of teaching, the many adventures of travel, and the realities of trying to be a God honoring, single 30 something woman. Today is approximately day 37 of quarantine. It is approximate because I am not sure whether to count from when I was actually in my classroom or from when the stay at home order began. Either way, I hope to make good use of my days and hopefully help a few others cure some boredom by providing a little more content for the interwebs. How are you filling your quarantine time? What would you like me to write about? I would love to hear your thoughts. I have time to read them.