
Secondary Classroom Jobs

As an elementary student I couldn’t wait for my turn in the classroom job rotation to be the teacher’s assistant. It was my favorite job and I took great pride in doing it to the best of my ability. I can remember feeling like I was really making a difference in my class when I was helping the teacher. For many students having a sense of belonging and purpose at school is so important because they do not have that in their homes. As a secondary teacher I was struggling with how to fit classroom jobs into a 50 minute period. After seeking out advice from some other teachers I used the following system. I did not use it this school year because we were having a building transition, but I plan on returning to it next year. 

During the first week of school I introduce the jobs and distribute job applications. The application is fairly general but gives the students an opportunity to practice applying for a job. After reading applications I respond with a letter congratulating them and telling them what job they have been selected for. At the end of first semester I open up applications again and allow students to change jobs. I chose the names based on a historical and political theme, but you could choose whatever fits your classroom. 

Paper Boy

  • During the first 4 minutes of class or the last 4 minutes of class
  • Look at the front paper return bins and see if there are any papers that need returned to that class.
  • Return papers without commenting on other students work. 
  • If you run out of time return the rest of the pile neatly to the bin in the front of the room. 
  • If there are any paper without a name please use a magnet and put them on the whiteboard.


  • When directed by the teacher you may use your phone, tablet, or classroom computer to search for the needed information.
  • When you have found the information raise your hand and wait for the appropriate time to share with the rest of the class. 

Census Taker

  • Using the attendance sheets at the front of the room take note of students as they enter the room using P for present, T for tardy, and A for Absent.
  • This task should be done silently during the first 4 minutes of class. Any student not in their seat when the bell rings is absent. Any student who arrives after 15 minutes is absent. 
  • If a student has a note from the office or another teacher explaining their tardiness please place it with the attendance sheet.
  • In the first 4 minutes or last 4 minutes of class please remind the teacher to report attendance to the office. 


  • Using the post-it notes at the front of the room take note of anything that may need to be remembered for a future class period. This may include answering a question, telling a story, collecting an assignment etc.
  • In the last 4 minutes of class if the teacher has not done so, please write any homework for the day on the board in the appropriate space. 
  • On occasion you may also be asked to take notes on a whole class discussion or make note of groups, please designate a place in your binder to keep track of these items so you are prepared whenever you may be needed. 


  • Whenever an assignment needs collected please move quickly and quietly around the room.
  • When necessary check for names as you collect. 
  • When you have all the papers use a paperclip to secure the pile and place it on the corner of the teachers desk.
  • You may also be asked to collect or distribute materials. Please do so without talking to your classmates.
  • Extra handouts should be returned to the teacher, extra materials should be placed on the front table. 

Mrs. Landingham

  • Your job is to be the continual substitute for other jobs as well as fulfilling anything else that may need done. 
  • Be alert in the first 4 minutes and last 4 minutes of class and be ready to help other students fulfill their jobs.
  • In the last 4 minutes of class you will manage the absent work bin by filling out the absent sheet and filing in the corresponding class file. 
  • Any class period that you have free time you may straighten up the room, clean the board, or help with grading or filling as necessary. 
  • If the teacher loses her mind, you will help her recover it 🙂