You Might Not Want To Travel With Me
You might not want to travel with me…
I think if my mother didn’t love me, she may have disowned me on our last trip to New York.
I have a tendency to want to see and do everything even if it means risking my health or the health of those traveling with me. I feel badly about it later, really I do.
To make my case as to why you may not want to travel with me here is a summary of just one day in New York City:
1. Today show plaza before dawn
2. St. Patrick’s Cathedral
3. LEGO store
4. Won $100 on Hoda and Kathie Lee!! (Yes, I got on TV!)
5. Gray’s Papaya- hot dog
6. Levain Bakery- COOKIES
7. Walk through Central Park
8. Emack & Bolios- ice cream
9. Plaza Hotel
10. Tiffany’s
11. Brooks Brothers Exhibition
12.Cafe Lalo ( from You’ve Got Mail)
13. Rush to Times Square to get show tickets
14. Break at the hotel and pizza
15. Waitress the Musical
16. Serendipity- Frozen Hot Chocolate
17. Finally back at the hotel to sleep
If this sounds like a normal day to you then I let you know where I am headed next!